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Whitewater CE Primary School

Whitewater CE Primary School


We aim for all our pupils to leave Whitewater with high standards of language and literacy. We achieve this by developing their grasp of the spoken and written word, and nurturing their love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment.

There is a strong link between learning to read and learning to write. Children first learn to write by making marks on paper and then developing letter formation. They are encouraged to express themselves through writing for a range of different purposes, across all areas of the curriculum, knowing that all of their attempts will be valued. During this time, they will be encountering new words and phrases: some of which will be displayed around the classroom. The experience of seeing words and phrases regularly around the school and at home helps to bring meaning to the written word.

As their writing develops, children are taught to plan, compose, draft and punctuate their work. As they progress to Key Stage Two, the focus becomes writing longer texts and becoming consistent with their skills and their ‘writer’s voice’ throughout their work. They will write for a variety of purposes and audiences building on links made with other areas of the curriculum.