Our Staff
Name | Role |
Mr Glen Golding | Executive Headteacher |
Mr Steve Moore | Executive Head of School |
Mrs Michelle Elie | Head of School |
Teaching Staff
Name | Class | Co-ordinator |
Mrs Berna Jolliffe
Rabbit YR |
Design and Technology and Phonics
Mrs Emily Norton
Otter Y1 & 2 |
Geography and MFL (Modern Foreign Languages)
Mr Christian Ralph
Hedgehog Y3 & 4 |
History, Computing and PE (Physical Education)
Miss Amelia Pettitt
Fox Y5 & 6 |
Maths and Science
Mrs Byrony Bligdon |
SEND and Looked After Children |
Mrs Sian Hanson | English Lead | |
Name | Role |
Mrs Krissy Miles |
Higher Level Teaching Assistant/ELSA Lunchtime Supervisor Assistant Breakfast club co-ordinator |
Mrs Melanie Baronne |
Learning Support Assistant
Miss Maisey Pepper |
Learning Support Assistant After-school club co-ordinator |
Mrs Angela Owen |
Learning Support Assistant Lunchtime Supervisory Assistant |
Mrs Emma Brett |
Learning Support Assistant Lunchtime Supervisory Assistant |
Miss Jade Capon |
Learning Support Assistant Breakfast club co-ordinator |
Mrs Kerry-Ann Clayden |
Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Lauren London |
Learning Support Assistant Lunchtime Supervisory Assistant |
Mrs Wendy Hall |
Learning Support Assistant Lunchtime Supervisory Assistant |
Mrs Rachelle Edwards |
Learning Support Assistant Lunchtime Supervisory Assistant |
Ms Felicy Robertson |
Special needs Support Assistant
Mrs Christine Jarvis | Senior Admin Officer |
Mrs Kim Edwards | Admin Assistant |
Mrs Sarah Wills | School Cook |
Mrs Teresa Baldwin | Catering Assistant |