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Whitewater CE Primary School

Whitewater CE Primary School

Monday 11th May

VE Day Celebrations

Good Morning All,

We hope you have had a wonderful weekend.  It has been lovely and sunny hasn't it, just what we all needed!   So, on Friday it was VE Day and many people celebrated to mark this day.  In our street people came out to sit on their driveways and had tea and cakes.  It was very strange to see people celebrating in this way but it was so nice to see everyone happy and enjoying the sun together, all be it staying away from other people by staying on our own driveways. 

Did you do anything to celebrate?  Did you see any celebrations?

Mrs L & Mrs B

  • Fox James 4 years ago
    Hi Mrs L and Mrs B For VE day we cooked 3 cakes a lemon drizzle cake a chocolate cake and victorious sponge. I made a lot of tea (we used my grandmas tea set which is now mine).We also cooked 2 plain scones and 2 Sultana scones. Me my mum and sister all had salmon and cream cheese on our bread and my dad had ham piccalilli. We were cooking all day and enjoyed every bit of it
  • Fox Jacob 4 years ago
    Hi mrs L and B, I had tea and biscuit and for dinner I also had hot dog and my mum baked a delicous kake from Fox Jacob
  • Fox Zachary 4 years ago
    Hi, i'm so happy this week because we 4 pheasant chicks and more are coming. Only 3 have died. On my cubs meeting I will show 1 to the cubs. From zachary
  • Fox John 4 years ago
    Hi everyone, At our house to celebrate VE day we watched the BBC1 programme at Buckingham palace but we sadly didn’t see anyone in our street. I am happy that everyone in Rotherwick was sitting out side their house having a scone. We also loved the Queen’s speech. Best wishes, Johnny👦🏼
  • Mrs L & Mrs B 4 years ago
    Hi James, Those cakes do sound lovely! Lemon Drizzle is my favourite! I hope you got to enjoy a sample of each of them! It sounds like you had a lovely day. Mrs L & Mrs B
  • Mrs L & Mrs B 4 years ago
    Hi Jacob, oh yum Hot Dogs. I wonder if you had a BBQ? We managed to have one over the weekend as the weather was so nice. Lets hope the sun returns soon! Mrs L & Mrs B
  • Mrs L & Mrs B 4 years ago
    Hi Zachary, So excited to hear that you have had some chicks hatch and survive! Fingers crossed the rest hatch for you. Please let us know how they do. Maybe you could send in a photograph once they have all hatched. Mrs L & Mrs B
  • Mrs L & Mrs B 4 years ago
    Hi Johnny, It is always nice to watch the celebrations on the TV. I enjoyed watching them as well. The Queens Speech was a must, I'm so glad you got to see it. I hope you were able to enjoy a treat to celebrate! Mrs L & Mrs B