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Whitewater CE Primary School

Whitewater CE Primary School

Thursday 7th May 2020

Step Back In Time...

If you could step back into the past to visit a time, place or event in history, which  time and what place or event would you choose to travel back to?

One of the times in history that Mrs L & Mrs B would love to step back to and visit is the time of the Tudors to have seen King Henry V111’s court. This is because of its richness and colour and the intrigue and politics (arranging his marriages and divorces) that went on around Henry in amazing palaces such as Hampton Court.

Another time and place in history they would like to experience is Italy during roughly the same time period as Henry V111 (15th C) to follow in the footsteps of the famous artist Michelangelo, who created artistic masterpieces such as the statue of David and the wonderful frieze (below) on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel within the Vatican City, in Rome.

Can you spot where the blog main picture appears in this amazing ceiling painting?

We look forward to hearing your thoughts and suggestions!

Have a lovely bank holiday and remember to put that sun cream and hat on!

  • Fox Oliver 5 years ago
    Good morning Mrs B and Mrs L if i had the choice to ravel back in time anywhere i can go i would choose the Roman Architecture because it is so impressive.
  • Mrs L & Mrs B 5 years ago
    Good morning to you, Oliver - lovely to hear from you! The Romans were fantastic architects, we agree. Today there are so many places today in the world where you can still see and visit Roman buildings - so they definitely built things to last. One of Mrs Laurie's favourite 'Roman places' that is very close to home is Bath ( Aquae Sulis being its Roman name). The museum there also really helps to bring the past to life with video projections of the baths in use and the different types of people and life that went on across the complex of buildings that made up the whole temple site. Have you got a favourite Roman place or building or object/thing/artefact , Oliver?
  • Fox James 5 years ago
    Hi Mrs L and Mrs B If i were to travel back in time i would go to 31st December 1999 to see how big the firework display for new years day.
  • Mrs L & Mrs B 5 years ago
    Hi James! Mrs Laurie wasn't there in London but she did watch it on TV. It was pretty amazing for back then - the crowds, the music and the fantastic fireworks. There was also a lot of apprehension about what might happen after midnight. People thought that lots of technology and devices would fail because of the new millennium date that existing systems might not be able to cope with. Thankfully that wasn't the case! Hope you enjoy a lovely bank holiday tomorrow out in the sunshine!
  • Ela 5 years ago
    Dear Mrs L and Mrs B, I wish I could go back in time and travel around the world to see all the extinct animals. Starting with the dinasours, golden frogs and dangerous snakes! From Ela Stay safe!
  • Mrs L & Mrs B 5 years ago
    Hi Ela, it would be really cool, if not a tad dangerous perhaps, to go back and see dinosaurs! Wow, I didn't realise that golden frogs were extinct. As a result of your blog comment, it has been interesting, if a bit sad, to find out about them and why they became endangered in the first place (fungal disease). Not so sure about wanting to see extinct dangerous snakes, though - you definitely have a taste for adventure, Ela! You stay safe too and have a great bank holiday weekend.
  • Fox Esme 5 years ago
    Hi Mrs L and Mrs B, my house is from the Tudor times and it is is called Tudor cottage, so you would of been able to see my house being built! If I could travel back in time, I would want to see the cave men and what they did. From Esme
  • Mrs L & Mrs B 5 years ago
    Hi Esme - How interesting! Does all of the cottage date back to this time? Has it got interesting chimney pots, for example - Tudors went if for very fancy ones if they could. Mrs Laurie thinks you are very brave wanting to go back to the time of the cave men. You would have to make sure that you took some creature comforts with you - what would they be, we wonder?!
  • Isabella 4 years ago
    Hi Mrs L and Mrs B, If I had the oppotunity to travel back in time, I would travel to London at 3pm today 75 years ago. I would love to see the exitement on everyones faces when the amazing news about the war was announced!! I read about how everyone dressed in red, white and blue to celebrate the end of World War 2. It would be fun to celebrate, but it would also be very intresting to see how everyone adjusted back into life.
  • Mrs L & Mrs B 4 years ago
    Helolo Isabella, What a great time to visit. It must have been a wonderful sight to see the reactions of people after so long living through such hard and scary times. Hope you were able to celebrate VE day with your family. Mrs L & Mrs B