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Whitewater CE Primary School

Whitewater CE Primary School

Thursday 9th July 2020

Welly throw and sock dribble!

Good Morning All!

Apologies for the delay - we have had trouble with uploading onto the website this morning.

Today's Sports Week Challenges are the welly throw and sock dribble. Please remember to ask an adult before using your socks and wellies and that practise makes perfect! Check out the Day 4 activity uploaded below for details and suggestions.

We received some fantastic photos from Kitty and Mabel  yesterday. A big THANK YOU and well done girls! Mia and Chyna also had a great time with the bucket ball. There was some real competitive action going on and points scored for their team.

Looking forward to hearing and seeing what you all get up to today!

  • Fox Mabel 4 years ago
    Hi Everyone, I had lots of fun completing today's challenges. Even though my ankle is still not 100%, I managed to win the 'Sock & Spoon' with 53 points, so this was definitely my favourite activity today. We just managed to complete the 'Welly Throw' before the rain. I enjoyed the writing the Meerkat commentary this morning . I hope everyone is doing well & I look forward to seeing you soon. Mabel
  • Fox Kitty 4 years ago
    Hi there, English was fun because the idea of meerkats playing rugby is just really funny . I really enjoyed the welly throwing because I won with 41 paces. I also liked the sock and spoon because Betsy (my dog) was determined to join in! See you soon Kitty
  • Mrs L & Mrs B 4 years ago
    Hi Mabel, well done for competing even though you are not yet 100% fit AND for managing to come first in the 'Sock & Spoon'!We thought you would enjoy the Meerkat activity. They are such comical creatures! Have a lovely evening and thank you for keeping in touch again today.
  • Mrs L & Mrs B 4 years ago
    Hey the Kitty! All hail the victorious welly thrower - well done you! The meerkats were very funny and we also love that they are sooooooo determined to get their precious fruit back. We're pleased that Betsy enjoyed joining in today too. Thanks for letting us know how you have got on today. Take care,
  • Isabella Buck 4 years ago
    Hello everyone 👋👋 What a rainy couple of days we have had!! Luckily I didn’t rain when we went for our walk. Today we went to the Basingstoke canal and had a nice long walk. While we were there we found a small shelter which I think was used to protect king Johns castle as canals were like motorways. When we got back I did the welly throwing, and these were my scores: 1) 6.21cm 2) 6.79cm 3) 9.65cm I had lots of fun but my time outside was cut short because of the rain. Stay safe Bella
  • Mrs L & Mrs B 4 years ago
    Hi Isabella, it has been a little wet and miserable these last few days. Your walk along the canal sounds interesting and a good way to stay active when the weather is a bit 'iffy'. We think you might mean 'm' 'metres' for your welly throwing distance. Impressive improvement each throw - especially the last one! Well done for taking part and adding points for your team!

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