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Whitewater CE Primary School

Whitewater CE Primary School

Colourful Characters

Thursday 11th June 2020

Many of you are fantastic readers and have read so many different types of book. Reading all the harry potters, David Walliams books, Roald Dahl books, Ted Hughes and many many more. I wonder who your favourite character is from any book you have read. Why are they your favourite characters? The people can also be real are they any books about explorers? Celebrities? Role models?

My favourite character from a book is Samwise Gamgee from the lord of the rings he was just a small hobbit, but he showed it doesn’t matter what size you are you can make a difference. He was brave, loyal, kind, caring and was smart. I think he is a super character.

  • Hedgehog Ethan 4 years ago
    Hi Mr Ralph, right now I am reading "Bear Grills Adventures" and that is a good book. My favourite character is Alve Monk (Alfie) from "the 1000 year old boy". He is my favourite character because he is brave, determined, kind but he lost his mum so he got angry at times. It is by Ross Welford. It is a good book as well so I would recommend it. from Ethan
  • Mr Ralph 4 years ago
    Good morning Ethan, I haven't read the 100 year boy I will have to add it to my reading list. They are very nice qualities and I can see why you like him. What would you do if you met him? From Mr Ralph
  • Hedgehog Evan 4 years ago
    Hi Mr Ralph, my favourite character is Alfred in the Beast of Buckingham Palace book by David Walliams that I finished reading yesterday. Although Alfred’s been poorly all his life he’s still adventurous and courageous. He saved Britain from the evil cunning Lord Protector who put innocent people in the Tower of London.
  • Mr Ralph 4 years ago
    Good afternoon Evan, I really like the sound of the book and Alfred sounds like an incredible character and I love the qualities you used to describe him. What would you do if you met Alfred? Have a good evening, Mr Ralph

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