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Whitewater CE Primary School

Whitewater CE Primary School

First Day at Bug School

Dear Otters,

As the rest of the Otter bubble started school today, we are reading 'First Day at Bug School' by Sam Lloyd. This is a rhythmic, bright celebration of school, starring some very cute bugs indeed! You can watch the story being read here: 

My question for you today is: 

What is your favourite memory of starting school?

I just wanted to let all the Otters who aren't in school know that they are very missed and that Mrs Jolliffe and I are thinking about them. We hope we get to see you all soon.

Love from.

Ms Lamble

  • Leo Otter 4 years ago
    Dear Ms Lamble, My favourite memory of going to school was finding out that there would be lots of junk to model with! Love Leo
  • Otter Freya 4 years ago
    Dear Ms Lamble and Mrs Jolliffe, my favourite memory of starting school is when we used to crack the ice in the little pond that we used to sail our boats in. We used sticks to crack it and then I stamped on it and crushed it until it was like a snowy icy pile, then I drew in it and threw it up like snow. It felt like it was having a 2-second snow on me. Also, I loved today's collage lesson. I made an ombre beetle but I gave it a sucking mouthpart to suck nectar. I also made a giant friendly flying sucking bug. I call it the Suckerfly. lots of love from Freya xoxoxox
  • Ms Lamble 4 years ago
    Dear Leo, I know you love making amazing models! It was so great to see you yesterday, send me a picture of your terrarium when it's finished. Love from, Ms Lamble
  • Ms Lamble 4 years ago
    Dear Freya, What a lovely memory of starting school! I wonder if you could write a story about sailing your boat on the icy pond... Thank you for sending a photo of your brilliant bug collage - I think your bug is FANTASTIC! Love from, Ms Lamble