Toad in the hole?
This week’s session focussed mainly around campfire cooking. The children chose a hazel stick and whittled the end to remove the bark then wrapped dough around and cooked over the fire. We tried out our skillet frying pan and cooked some yummy sausages to place inside the damper bread like toad in the hole or a hot dog. The children showed patience and eagerness whilst waiting for the bread to cook. Jam was also on offer to fill the damper bread and one child even mixed the sausage and jam!
In addition to mark Big Garden Bird Watch weekend – from the Royal Society for Protection of Birds – we recorded when we saw a bird. During the session we saw robins, a pigeon and a blackbird. We usually see lots of red kites in the area but today they were a bit shy. Some of the children then tied wool around pine cones, dipped in warm melted lard and covered with bird seed. Then hung them on the tree. One child made a little robin bird feeder by cutting out part of the cone and making a nest in a tree.
Shelter building, sawing, hide and seek and clay play also featured and we finished our session with full Tums, smiley faces and smelling very much of campfire!