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Whitewater CE Primary School

Whitewater CE Primary School

Monday 11th May


Hi Rabbit class,

 On Friday my street had lots of bunting flying for VE day celebrations. Saturday was rather special because the lady who lives opposite us had a birthday. She was 90 years old, she is a very interesting person to talk to because she has experience so much during her lifetime and she has kept herself fit, she can still touch her toes! Her neighbours decorated her house and garden while she stayed safely inside. In the afternoon lots of us came out of our houses with our own cups of tea and cake to sing her happy birthday. She has lived in my street since 1964, can anyone work out how many years she has been living there?

We would love to hear about anything you made or did to celebrate. 

From Mrs Proctor


  • Rabbit Frankie 4 years ago
    Hello Mrs Proctor, we painted a crate with Mummy, Daddy, Angus, Jessica and me holding flags and a cow for VE Day and we put flags up with red, white and blue pattern on them. Mummy took a photo and I can show you when I'm next at school. We made scones, I helped weigh the ingredients, and roll out the dough and cut round circles using a a cutter. They were yummy, we ate them with homemade clotted cream in the garden, after milking. We ate that many we didn't need any dinner! I miss you Mrs Proctor and my friends. bye bye x
  • RabbitTabitha 4 years ago
    We made some bunting and hung it on our house. We had a picnic on our front garden and I rode my bike around the driveway. It was very sunny. Someone was playing nice music and all of our neighbours were having picnics on their gardens too. It was very fun. I have written about it in my home learning book and drawn a picture of our picnic.
  • Mrs Proctor 4 years ago
    Hi Frankie, Your scones sound really yummy, well done for helping to make them. We had scones too but sadly only with jam. I can imagine your homemade clotted cream was lovely and I am not surprised that you didn't need any dinner! I miss you too and I am looking forward to seeing the photos of your celebration creations. From Mrs Proctor
  • Mrs Proctor 4 years ago
    Hi Tabitha, I am looking forward to looking at your drawings and reading about your celebrations in your home learning book. I think we were all very lucky to have lovely weather so that we could sit in our gardens and celebrate. Mrs Proctor

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