Monday 27th April
Growth Mindset!
A weekend of new challenges!
Monday 27th April
Some of my family have tried some new challenges this weekend. We ran out of tortillas so my daughter learnt how to make them because we wanted to make some enchiladas. They tasted lovely but there was rather a lot of flour to tidy up!
My biggest challenge was making the story video for you. It is not quite the same reading a story to a camera. I missed Rabbit class joining in with the parts that repeat, the sound effects, asking lots of questions and sharing your lovely ideas. My daughter helped get the props and my son very kindly helped me with doing the editing. I hope you enjoy listening to it and hopefully it won't be long before we can share stories again.
I am hoping that a little rain will water my vegetables but then I would like the sunshine back again!
Let me know of any new challenges or skills you have tried over the weekend.
From Mrs Proctor
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