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Whitewater CE Primary School

Whitewater CE Primary School

Thursday 9th July

Hi Rabbits, 

We've had a great morning, especially throwing wellies across the playground! We had a practise throw and then took it in turns to see how far we could throw them. We all beat our distances and were really pleased with ourselves. We found it very funny when Mrs Owen threw her welly into the tree, we thought it was going to be stuck up there!

Hope you've had lots of fun at home too :)

Mrs Zebedee

  • Charlie Rabbit 4 years ago
    Hello Rabbit Class, we managed to miss the rain! I threw the Welly 272 inches (mummy helped measure) I tried with dad's Welly but I couldn't get it very far. We are looking forward to tomorrow's games. Love Charliex
  • Lex 4 years ago
    Hi All! We had lots of wet fun outside with our welly throwing! Lex had several goes and the best distance was 9.3 metres!!
  • Mrs Zebedee 4 years ago
    Hi Charlie- It sounds like you had great fun :) I bet your Dad's welly was very heavy indeed. I am excited for today's race as it is fancy dress...Mrs Baronne's favourite.
  • Mrs Zebedee 4 years ago
    Hi Lex- wow what a distance!! Ryan would have loved to go in a challenge with you as he also threw the welly a huge distance. I hope you enjoy the different races today :)

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