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Whitewater CE Primary School

Whitewater CE Primary School

Monday 6th July

Egg and spoon race

Hi Rabbit class, We have been having great fun with our Sports week races today. We used a potato and spoon. For our challenge we did walking backwards and on the way back down the track we jumped liked rabbits! We really enjoyed the leaky cup race and did some maths with it by filling different sized containers.

We hope you are having as much fun as us

From Mrs Proctor, Mrs Baronne and all in Rabbit classroom today.

  • Rabbit Anouk 5 years ago
    Hello Mrs Proctor, Mrs Baronne and all Rabbits! The leaky cup race I got soaked! And I was really happy that my mummy used warm water. At the end I was soaked! Thank you for the Whitewater sport races, I can’t wait for more fun tomorrow. Here are my scores! My best time for my egg and spoon race was 12 seconds to complete my track. My first go was 19 seconds so I practised and I feel really happy and proud. I also ran my track until my egg dropped and broke on the ground, I managed 2.5 laps! For my leaky cup race it took me 6 times between my markers for the cup to empty all over my head! Joe Wicks training has helped me with the wall sit I think. I did 32 seconds for a normal wall sit and then I played catch with mummy whilst sitting and I did 13 seconds! Mummy will send photos to Mrs Fox. Love from, Anouk xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Charlie Rabbit 5 years ago
    Hi Rabbit class!I had races with my little sister we used a plastic egg and spoon, I managed 16 seconds before my egg fell off. We even tried sitting down and standing up with the egg and spoon, it was very hard. Time for lunch now. Love Charlie x
  • Mrs Proctor 5 years ago
    Hi Anouk, Well done for completing all of the sports challenges for today and adding in some of your own. I think you are right about Joe Wicks and his exercises, at school he makes us exhausted but I am sure it is doing us good. I think we will have to have a go at your throwing and catching wall sit. Don't forget to design yourself some medals. From Mrs Proctor
  • Mrs Proctor 5 years ago
    Hi Charlie, Sitting down and standing up with an egg and spoon does sound really tricky to do. Well done for getting your sister to join in, she will be really good at sports day when she starts school. Keep up the good work and look every day for new activities. From Mrs Proctor
  • Tabitha Rabbit 5 years ago
    I managed four laps of some cones in the garden. The egg fell off and cracked after 0.5 seconds but I scooped the yolk up into the shell and carried on to fit in four laps in 60 seconds.
  • Mrs Proctor 5 years ago
    Hi Tabitha, Well done for scooping up your egg and keeping going for four laps! I hope you enjoy tomorrows challenge too. From Mrs Proctor.

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