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Whitewater CE Primary School

Whitewater CE Primary School

Thursday 11th June

Morning Rabbits, 

It looks like it is going to be a rather wet day today, which I am sure the minibeasts don't mind! Hopefully the lovely sunshine we had will return soon. 

I have a thinking question for you today! If you could be a minibeast what would you be and why? I would want to be a honey bee. As I love working in a team (especially in Rabbits class), I would love to be able to fly around and see all the beautiful flowers and I also love honey :) So what would you be...I can't wait to find out. 

I hope you have a buzzing day!

Mrs Zebedee

  • Mrs Proctor 4 years ago
    Hi Rabbit class, We have some exciting visitors in Rabbit class! Mrs and Mr Baronne found some caterpillars when they were our for a walk. We now have them in our butterfly garden in our classroom. They like eating lots of nettles so we have been searching everyday around the school grounds for fresh nettles for them. We think they are going to turn into Peacock butterflies. We will update you on their life cycle. I wonder how long it will take for them to turn into a butterfly. From Mrs Proctor and Mrs Baronne.
  • William Ca 4 years ago
    Hello. I would like to be a ladybird so I can fly on a bird and go lots of places. My caterpillars took a long time to turn into painted lady butterflies. They liked to eat orange.
  • Mrs Zebedee 4 years ago
    Hi William- that is such a great reason to be a ladybird. Oo and thank you for the tip...we shall make sure we put some in 👍🏼

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