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Whitewater CE Primary School

Whitewater CE Primary School

Rabbit Blog


 HOW EXCITING!  Rabbit Class we have our own Blog now!

Mrs Proctor, Mrs Zebedee and Mrs Baronne are all missing our chats and sharing your wonderful ideas, work and creations but until we can all get back together again we can keep in touch by using our new Blog.


Monday 20th April

Dear Rabbits,

We hope you had a lovely Easter and managed to celebrate by eating some chocolate, we did!

Yesterday I helped my daughter make some lovely yummy chocolate brownies with mini marshmallows in the middle for my son's birthday. Have you been doing any cooking, real or imaginary?

Tell us about your favourite activity so far. 

We are really looking forward to hearing from you,

Mrs Proctor


  • Jason N 5 years ago
    Hello all of my teachers and class friends, i have been having fun over Easter i found thirteen Easter eggs in my house and garden on Sunday . i can now ride my bike without stabilisers and am looking forward to riding to school again. i am missing you all Jason N
  • RabbitIsobel 5 years ago
    Hi Mrs Proctor and Mrs Baronne! Missing everyone but Iv been working really hard. I had my birthday so now I'm 6! My sister Olivia is now 4 and I'm really excited cause she will be coming to our school and joining Rabbit class! We have had to make lots of birthday cakes (chocolate and plain!) and cards. We have been growing lots of seeds which has been fun! There are sunflowers, sweet peas, broad beans, potatoes called Charlotte's and Rockets and I can't wait to see how many we get! Lots of love from Isobel xxxxxxxxxxx x
  • Tabitha 5 years ago
    I like doing my writing worksheets. I like writing stories. I wrote Harry Potter 2. I caught a ladybird. The weather is nice for playing outside.
  • Rabbit William 5 years ago
    Hello Mrs Proctor, I have been busy making cakes, biscuits, pizza and play dough. I put glitter in my play dough. I really liked measuring everyone's feet. I have caterpillars to watch grow into butterflies. Then I will put them in my garden to fly.
  • Rabbit Indigo 5 years ago
    Dear Everyone I had a lovely Easter and enjoyed my chocolate. I have done some cooking, I cooked some yummy fairy cakes with my sisters. I have enjoyed bike riding, dancing, watching my tadpoles growing, playing in my garden, and painting. From Indigo
  • Rabbit Kallan 5 years ago
    Hi Mrs Proctor, Mrs Zebedee and Mrs Baronne, I have been having lots of fun building Milk bottle elephants, painting rocks and drawing. I have also been playing with Matthew on the trampoline quite a lot and my Dad blew up the pool on the warmer days. I miss play time at school and hope Corona is gone soon. Have a lovely Christmas (direct quote 😀) Love Kallan
  • Mrs Proctor 5 years ago
    Hi Jason, We miss you too. Wow! what a lot of chocolate eggs you found. WELL DONE for learning to ride your bike without stabilisers, We know how hard you have been practising. Perhaps you could draw a picture of your bike and label it with some measurements to practice the measuring we learnt at school? From Mrs Proctor
  • Mrs Proctor 5 years ago
    Hi Isobel, I am glad you had a lovely birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you and Olivia from all of us. I am sure you had a lovely time eating all the yummy cakes you made. I have been growing lots of vegetables and flowers too. My sweet pea plants all measure about 4 small buttons or 5cms tall now. Can you measure any of your plants? From Mrs Proctor
  • Mrs Proctor 5 years ago
    Hi Tabitha, Wow you have been busy. I have enjoyed going outside in my garden and I am very lucky to have a canal path outside my house to walk along too where I often see a heron looking for its tea. Perhaps you could make up a story about your ladybird? From Mrs Proctor
  • Mrs Proctor 5 years ago
    Hi William, I am glad you enjoyed measuring everyone's feet. How lovely to have some caterpillars to watch change into butterflies. What are you feeding them? Mrs Zebedee, Mrs Baronne and I really enjoy sharing exciting things like that with you when we are at school so perhaps you could keep a diary of how it all happens so that you can share it with us? From Mrs Proctor
  • Mrs Proctor 5 years ago
    Hi Indigo, Your fairy cakes sound delicious! I am sure you have been doing some lovely dancing. Do you remember using the ribbons and scarves when we have done dances at school? Perhaps you could make some of your own props to go with your dances? How lovely to have some tadpoles to watch, can you keep a diary of how they grow so that we can all see it when we come back to school? From Mrs Proctor
  • Mrs Proctor 5 years ago
    Hi Kallan, A bottle top elephant sounds very interesting! I am glad you are getting lots of exercise on your trampoline with Matthew. I miss playtime too Kallan. Perhaps you could make up some games that all the grown ups and children could play when we get back to using our school playground? I am hoping that we will all be able to celebrate Christmas back at school! From Mrs Proctor
  • Rabbit Anouk 5 years ago
    Hello Rabbit Class! I am very happy because I have been practising holding my ghekos on my skin and I have been holding my chickens a lot, playing with my gerbils and playing with my dog Loki! I have been having fun in my hot tub and I like turning on the bubbles as they push me all around! I have been planning my birthday and I cannot wait to be 6, 6 is one of my favourite numbers! I have been doing a lot of cooking and baking with my mummy - I made my own lunch today of pasta with homemade tomato sauce, chorizo and vegetables. My mummy has bought me special childrens knives so I can learn to cut. For Easter I made creme egg and mini egg brownies and they were yummy, I have eaten lots of them! I have a new climbing frame from my Nana and I love to climb on it. Lots of Love and I miss you, Anouk xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Ray 5 years ago
    Hello Mrs Proctor, Mrs Zebedee and Mrs Baronne! Yesterday we made our own pasta spaghettis for the first time from flour and eggs. They were really good. We had it with olive oil and parmesan cheese. We also often make banana bread and bread. Our rabbits are very well and we stroke them and feed them everyday. And we play with them very much. I'm getting really good at riding my bike without stabilisers. I do lots of lego everyday and today we made lego bunnies. We just went for a long walk and collected lots of heart shaped rocks. Goodbye and see you soon and hope you had a lovely Easter. Love Ray xxx
  • Ray 5 years ago
    Also I enjoyd Estar and I miss playtimes.
  • Milly 5 years ago
    Hello, I’ve learnt to ride my bike without stabilisers too! We’ve made cakes and roti bread (in the actual kitchen) AND mud pies in our new mud kitchen. I miss everybody and hope to see you all soon, hope you had lots of chocolate 🍫🐰😄 love Milly x
  • Mrs Proctor 5 years ago
    Hi Anouk, It sounds as if you have been doing a lot of cooking. How wonderful that you managed to help to cook your own lunch, it sounds delicious! You will have to make your own recipe book. What do all your different animals eat? We all miss you too and hope to see you soon. From Mrs Proctor
  • Mrs Proctor 5 years ago
    Hi Ray, Your homemade pasta and banana bread sound delicious. I made some tagliatelle last week for the first time and wish I had done it sooner! It sounds like you are having fun with your Lego. Perhaps you could paint some patterns on your rocks? I hope you enjoy the sunny weather today and continue to tell us about what you collect on your walks. From Mrs Proctor
  • Izzy 5 years ago
    Dear Everyone, Harry and I made chocolate cookies all by ourselves the other day. Mummy put them in the oven. Today we are playing outside in our shepherds hut playing cafes. Mummy and my toys are the customers. Over Easter we have had lots of Easter egg hunts and have made lots of things from our recycle junk box. Yesterday we read the story about Mavis the magical cat and I made up my own story path about my little unicorns and the adventures they got up to! We hope everyone is well and staying safe!
  • Mrs Proctor 5 years ago
    Hi Milly, WELL DONE Milly for learning to ride without your stabilisers. I have never made roti bread so I will have to search for a recipe and try it for myself. We miss you too Milly but make the most of the sunshine out on your bike. I need a new saddle for my bike so I think I will need to get one otherwise Rabbit class will be better at riding a bike than me! From Mrs Proctor
  • Mrs Proctor 5 years ago
    Hi Izzy, Your chocolate cookies sound delicious, great team work with Harry. It sounds as if Rabbit class are going to be fantastic chefs by the time we all get to see each other again. Perhaps we should collect all our favourite recipes together. Did you make a menu for your Cafe? Keep making your own lovely story paths, I look forward to hearing about them. From Mrs Proctor
  • Scarlett 5 years ago
    Hello everyone, Its sounds like you all had a lovely easter. I have been learning to ride without stabilizers too. I have been doing lots of learning. Today we did a grow a rainbow experiment, as well as learning about Mavis. I hope you all keep having a lovely time. Love Scarlett ❤🐇
  • Rabbit William 'M' 5 years ago
    Hello Rabbits! I am missing you all very much. I have been practising my maths with NumBots and enjoying the new BBC bitesize classes online. I've also been enjoying the lovely sunshine with my little brother Thomas. Today we went for a long walk, searching for rainbows and collecting pine cones! This afternoon Thomas and I are going to make something fun with the pine cones using our craft box. We will take a picture so that I can show you when I come back! William
  • RabbitIsobel 5 years ago
    Hi Mrs.Proctor. I measured my sweet peas and they are 6 milk bottle tops high. I measured my sunflowers too and they are bigger! They are 7 bottle tops high. I hope everyone is staying safe and I wish I was back at school. Love Isobel
  • rabbit william ca 5 years ago
    i am making a caterpillar diary for my friends. i drew a dinosaur under my rainbow. i am having a bbq tonight. i miss my school friends. see you all soon xxxxxx
  • Mrs Proctor 5 years ago
    Hi Scarlett, Well done for doing lots of learning. I am glad you are enjoying the Mavis story, which part of it have you found the most interesting? Keep practising your bike riding. From Mrs Proctor
  • Mrs Proctor 5 years ago
    Hi William 'M', It sounds as if you have been very busy. Lots of learning and keeping fit with your long walks! Which part of your Learning have you enjoyed the most? We miss you too but we are really looking forward to seeing what you have made with your pine cones. From Mrs Proctor
  • Mrs Proctor 5 years ago
    Hi Isobel, I think your sweet peas must be taller than mine! Mrs Proctor
  • Mrs Proctor 5 years ago
    Hi William ca, I am looking forward to looking at your caterpillar diary. I hope you had a lovely bbq. What did you eat? From Mrs Proctor

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