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Whitewater CE Primary School

Whitewater CE Primary School

Friday 5th June

Morning Rabbits, 

So if you had a look at yesterday's blog you would have spotted I gave you a quiz to complete. The mini beast I was thinking of was Ants! Did you guess correctly? 

So for today's blog challenge I thought it would be really fun if you could set me a quiz. So just like yesterday I would like you to give me clues to see if I can work out what the mini beast is.  I hope you make them really hard as I like a challenge, 

Mrs Zebedee

  • Rabbit Anouk 4 years ago
    Hello Mrs Zebedee, Here is my quiz! I am long I have legs I can become a spiral What am I?! Love from Anouk xxxxxx
  • Milly 4 years ago
    My minibeast is also known as a Phasmid. It can camouflage and regrow its it’s legs 🦵 it’s also the largest insect in the world. What is it? 🤔
  • Cohen Bowers 4 years ago
    Hello Mrs Proctor, Mrs Zebedee and Mrs Baronne, Thank you very much for my card it arrived today and really made me smile! I hope everyone is happy and ok at school! I miss seeing you all! From Cohen xx
  • Lex 4 years ago
    Hi Lex has made a quiz for you! I have two antennas I can walk and fly I help the plants by eating mini beasts I am spotty! What am I?
  • Rabbit Charlie N 4 years ago
    Hello, who am I? I have spots. Some of us our red. I fly. We have just been for a walk to the river and .made our dog biff go for a swim, he chased the sticks I threw in. Love Charlie
  • Mrs Zebedee 4 years ago
    Hi Cohen you are so welcome. We hope you are feeling much better :)
  • Mrs Zebedee 4 years ago
    Hi Anouk- is it a millipede?
  • Mrs Zebedee 4 years ago
    Hi Milly- is it a stick insect?
  • Mrs Zebedee 4 years ago
    Hi Lex- is it a ladybird?
  • Mrs Zebedee 4 years ago
    Hi Charlie- your walk sounds lovely! Is your mini beast a ladybird?
  • Rabbit Anouk 4 years ago
    Yes Mrs Zebedee! You got it right!
  • Lex Vincent 4 years ago
    Hi Mrs Zebedee It is a ladybird! We are finding lots of bugs here!

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