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Whitewater CE Primary School

Whitewater CE Primary School

Wednesday 13th May

New homes

Hi Rabbit Class,

Last week I was talking about different places that we might like to live in and I chose a house boat. I have been watching the birds in my garden to see where they have chosen to live and make a nest.  Two blue tits have been taking ages to make up their mind but have eventually decided to nest in a box that a friend made me for my birthday. I will be keeping an eye out for some young blue tits.

Have any of you seen any birds nesting?

From Mrs Proctor

  • Mrs Miles 5 years ago
    Hello Rabbits!!!!! I hope you are all well? It's lovely to read your blogs and I can see that you are all very busy. Well done, we are very proud and we all missing you at school. The bird boxes in my garden are very busy. In one there are blue tits, in another there are great tits. I love watching them bringing moss and twigs in their beaks to make a cosy nest. Take care and keep safe, hope to see you soon. Love Mrs Miles
  • Lex 5 years ago
    Hi, Lex painted a bird house and has been waiting for birds to nest in it for weeks...think we need to move it to a quieter spot! We did release four butterflies this week so we are hoping they pop back to see us! It was amazing watching them grow from caterpillars! We have played Lex's game - he called it One by One and he used an elephant stamp to make a chain of elephants you have to cross. A few rules and you go backwards if an elephant is squirting water! Off to put some of our smaller vegetable plants into their new beds in the garden!
  • Mrs Proctor 5 years ago
    Hi Lex, How lovely to watch some butterflies flying off this week, it is always such a special moment. Your One by One game sounds great fun. I hope some birds come to live in your bird house soon. What have you been growing in your vegetable beds? From Mrs Proctor
  • Milly 5 years ago
    Hello, we have been decorating bird boxes to hang in our garden and we have a bird feeder on our kitchen window - it’s lovely to see the birds coming along to pick up some seeds and nuts to feed their babies! Milly is missing everybody at school - her teachers and her friends too!
  • Rabbit Ray 5 years ago
    Hi Mrs Proctor, I have seen some crows in my garden a lot. They have coming to collect leftover hay from my rabbits and they also collect small bits of soft fur that have fallen off the rabbits. I think the rabbit fur would make the crow's nest very very cosy. Love Ray xxxxx
  • Mrs Zebedee 5 years ago
    Hi Milly- that sounds lovely, maybe you could take a picture of what you have made and send it to Mrs Fox in the office. We would love to see :) Also you could try and identify the different birds that come and visit your bird feeder. I wonder how many different types you can spot?
  • Mrs Zebedee 5 years ago
    Hi Ray- I bet it certainly does make a cosy nest! I wonder if the crows have any chicks in their nest?
  • Lex 5 years ago
    Lex has grown so many seeds but some we have forgotten to label some so they will be a surprise! Latest seeds we did this week are sweetcorn but the tomatoes, peppers and strawberries are growing really fast and we have far too much lettuce!
  • Rabbit Charlie N 5 years ago
    Hello everyone, We haven't seen froggy today but we did find a robin nesting in a old tea pot we hung in the garden, it looks very happy and we are going to check on it. We are having lots of birds visiting our garden and have to keep putting food in our feeder. I have had another sore ear so had to go to the doctors and get yucky medicine, the doctor was wearing a scary mask and mum said it was like a bee keepers suit. Love Charlie

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